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We invite you to be an active participant in Shiloh Hills Parent Teacher Student organization (PTSO).  Please join us at the monthly PTSO meetings to find out about the  programs supporting Shiloh Hills Elementary!

  • President: Amy Fair 
  • Executive Vice President: Jenaye Lange
  • Vice President: Amanda McCroskey
  • Secretary: Renee Nielsen
  • Treasurer: Heidi Rae

Be a part of the Shiloh community! Come share your ideas! Meetings begin at 3:30 p.m. on the third Monday of each month in the Shiloh Hills Music room.

With your support, Shiloh Hills PTSO is able to support programs and activities for our students!

Please join our PTSO's Facebook group for updates and opportunities to volunteer and participate in you child/ren's school community.